Holiday time must be spent wisely.... and so every year.... I spend half my holidays visiting home and the other half relaxing....
For the holidays I spend relaxing... I usually opt for
A. Somewhere hot...
B. Somewhere I can lie on a beach all day...
C. Somewhere I can do a bit of culture seeing
D. Somewhere I can spend my evenings trying the country's traditional foods, while sipping on some wine..
...ahh relaxing or what?!
I would love to say that I travel somewhere different every year..... BUT.... considering I am still trying to find my feet... sometimes the most practical/cheap destination wins. Therefore with my parents owning their own holiday home in Turkey... more often than not my holidays are spent there...
So to Turkey it was for my summer 2013 vacay'....and after spending most of the year in a completely different country to all my family, it was safe to say that I was craving a little family time. In fact... I couldn't wait ! What's more is that I then discovered that our close family friends were also booked to holiday with us.... and then even better... my best friend of over ten years also booked to join too. Talk about a reunion.
Welcome to Turkey 2013....
After working 11 hour days, and having no time away from work in almost a year... I arrived in Turkey absolutely shattered and in desperate need of a holiday. In fact, I had no interest at all to party the nights away... all I wanted was to relax to the max .....
Well...that lasted a couple of days...
Needless to say I was drawn in by the cocktails, crazy lights and dancing people... and so I pretty much spent the rest of my holiday still relaxing in the days but also.... either on the wine with my family at our place.... or partying the nights/mornings away at one of the many bars or clubs on offer in the town...
What can I say?! I was on holiday !
O... I must mention the Turkish bath experience. Highly recommended to get a deepened tan. The aim of the game is ... exfoliation to the max ! So in other words, they basically strip you down... scrub you down.... foam you down and then shower you down. Make sure you go at the beginning of your hols so you have the rest of your time to tan your new freshly exfoliated skin!
You can also opt for a lovely relaxing hot oil massage after..... FYI you need to be extremely comfortable with being prodded and poked all over your body, don't worry they don't completely grope all of your lady bits but the Turkish men do get rather close.... otherwise relax and enjoy !
Also.... you must, must, must make a point of visiting the Turkish markets... they sell anything from fresh traditional Turkish foods to designer clothes (copies of course). I bought numerous clothes (clearly) and my favorite find was a gorgeous, traditional dream catcher...
The girls and I also went a bit mad for all their bracelets and anklets... a bit of boho, holiday loving, arm candy...
That's my holiday in a nutshell...
I had uber amounts of fun.. and spent some much needed time just doing nothing but relaxing on a sun lounger, somewhere on a sandy beach...... Most importantly, I got to see my family and my best friend. To spend quality time with those I miss most was priceless and just what I needed.
x o x o