Monday, 23 September 2013

20 rules every woman should live by..

1. Men are not the be all and end all of life... they can sometimes be a great addition but you are still who you are without them

2. Keep your inner child alive! No matter how old you actually are... age is just a number.... don't ever forget what it feels like to be young, mischievous and full of life !

3.  Relax... It is perfectly normal and OK to be 25.. 30...35 years old... and still not know what you want to do when you grow up.

4. Its your life and your hard earned cash.... so spend your money how you want to! Don't let others judge and tell you how you should be living your own life

5. Ladies...There is absolutely nothing wrong with being single. When did everyone start believing that you can only be ''complete'' when in a relationship? You do whatever is best for you.

6. Your parents have already  made their own choices in life... its now your turn to make your own! Sometimes your parents will disagree with what you want to do.... but make these choices anyway. Your parents love you and eventually they will come around.

7. People will ALWAYS talk.... don't let it get to you.

8. Cherish your friends... Appreciate them and treat them how you wish to be treated.

9. Don't beat yourself up if you had one two many shots on the weekend...(and danced like no ones watching... and sang like you were in your shower... while you flirted with every man that looked your way) !! You work hard... and you deserve the occasional messy night out with your girls. Enjoy it... and just laugh at the memories.

10. You are never too old to learn/ do something new....  !

11. Keep company with those who love you for you. You don't need people in your life who compare themselves to you, or rain or your parade.

12. Be- YOU- tiful. Never feel that you need to look or act like someone else to get others to like you, you have your own uniqueness and your own quirkiness for people to love you as you are! Embrace your own beauty.
13. You are going to make mistakes. Everybody does. Just remember, everything happens for a reason so learn from your mistakes, recover and come back better than ever.

14. Live your life for you. The only way you will ever truly be happy is by living how you choose to live, not how your parents, boyfriend or friends think you should live.

15. Its OK to forget the diet sometimes. Ordering the occasional take out... or having a cheeky bit of chocolate is not going to be the end of the world. Besides.... a bit of curves on a girl is always good


16. Girls... when it comes to men :: Flirt with him enough to show your interest. But tease him enough to make him chase you.

17. Always, always, ALWAYS remember that a confident girl is a beautiful girl... so be sure to Keep your head up, your standards high and always dress as if you are going to see your worst enemy!

18.  Wear fabulous underwear ...(even if you are the only person to see it) !! Feeling good about yourself exuberates confidence and happiness... and something as small as wearing beautiful, matching undies can really make all the difference
19.  Remember girls.... you can never be overdressed or overeducated

20.  Lastly, but definitely not least.... good manners do not cost a thing! A polite, charming lady is always well received..


 O and here is one extra for your girls....

x o x o

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Sun, Sea & Cocktails

Holiday time must be spent wisely.... and so every year.... I spend half my holidays visiting home and the other half relaxing....

For the holidays I spend relaxing... I usually opt for

A. Somewhere hot...
B. Somewhere I can lie on a beach all day...
C. Somewhere I can do a bit of culture seeing
D. Somewhere I can spend my evenings trying the country's traditional foods, while sipping on some wine..

...ahh relaxing or what?!

I would love to say that I travel somewhere different every year..... BUT.... considering I am still trying to find my feet... sometimes the most practical/cheap destination wins. Therefore with my parents owning their own holiday home in Turkey... more often than not my holidays are spent there...

So to Turkey it was for my summer 2013 vacay'....and after spending  most of the year in a completely different country to all my family, it was safe to say that I was craving a little family time. In fact... I couldn't wait  ! What's more is that I then discovered that our close family friends were also booked to holiday with us.... and then even better... my best friend of over ten years also booked to join too.  Talk about a reunion.

Welcome to Turkey 2013....

After working 11 hour days, and having no time away from work in almost a year... I arrived in Turkey absolutely shattered and in desperate need of a holiday. In fact, I had no interest at all to party the nights away... all I wanted was to relax to the max .....


Well...that lasted a couple of days...

Needless to say I was drawn in by the cocktails, crazy lights and dancing people... and so I pretty much spent the rest of my holiday still relaxing in the days but also.... either on the wine with my family at our place.... or partying the nights/mornings away at one of the many bars or clubs on offer in the town...

What can I say?! I was on holiday !
O... I must mention the Turkish bath experience. Highly recommended to get a deepened tan. The aim of the game is ... exfoliation to the max ! So in other words, they basically strip you down... scrub you down.... foam you down and then shower you down. Make sure you go at the beginning of your hols so you have the rest of your time to tan your new freshly exfoliated skin!
You can also opt for a lovely relaxing hot oil massage after..... FYI you need to be extremely comfortable with being prodded and poked all over your body, don't worry they don't completely grope all of your lady bits but the Turkish men do get rather close.... otherwise relax and enjoy !
Also.... you must, must, must make a point of visiting the Turkish markets... they sell anything from fresh traditional Turkish foods to designer clothes (copies of course). I bought numerous clothes (clearly) and my favorite find was a gorgeous, traditional dream catcher...
The girls and I also went a bit mad for all their bracelets and anklets... a bit of boho, holiday loving,  arm candy...
That's my holiday in a nutshell...
I had uber amounts of fun.. and spent some much needed time just doing nothing but relaxing on a sun lounger, somewhere on a sandy beach...... Most importantly, I got to see my family and my best friend. To spend quality time with those I miss most was priceless and just what I needed.  
x o x o

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