Yes. A dating app. Sounds dodgy... I know, BUT it is actually well worth a peek... and even more surprisingly Tinder is rather addictive
To those of you that haven't yet been ''Tindered''..... let me introduce you to the Tinder way...
Lets get straight to the point of it, Tinder is based purely on looks.... it literally lets you decide whether you fancy someone or not by just looking at a few of their piccies...
AND...more importantly, ALL likes are completely confidential, so no one will ever know if you have liked them UNLESS if you have both liked each other... which then makes you a MATCH
If you MATCH with someone, then CONGRATULATIONS.... you like the look of them and they like the look of you... and so Tinder now allows you both to message each other on the online app
The idea here is that you start chatting to your match...and hopefully begin to find out more about them as a person. Its then up to you if you arrange a meet.
...and that's it. That is Tinder.... it really is as simple as that.....
1. Download ''Tinder'' from your app store on your smart phone
2.Open up ''Tinder'' and sign in with your Facebook account details
(don't worry this DOES NOT show up on your Facebook... so thankfully all your family and friends will not be made aware that your having a perv on all the single people in your area!)
3.Click the options menu to find.....
a. Recommendations
b. Matchmaker
c .Profile
d. Settings
e. Invite Friends
4. First things first... get your Profile set up...
5. Now to establish your Settings options...
6. Return to options menu.... you are set up and ready to start using Tinder!
7. Click ''Recommendations''
This is where the fun begins.... You will now be shown a photo of a potential ''person of interest'' within your area, with this, you will also see their name and their age.
IF you think that you are interested in this person... then you can actually click on their photo.. which will then allow you to see their ''bit about me'', your shared interests on Facebook, if you have any shared friends on Facebook... and more importantly other photos that they may have added...
After you have had enough time to consider this persons pictures.... Return to the main page, by clicking DONE. Finally... it is time for the all important decision making moment... are they buff or are they rough?!
1. Buff... (I want you) = click the green heart
2. Rough... (Hell noooo) = click the red X
That person of interest has now been dealt with in whatever way you chose fit, and now your next potential's photo will appear.... This will continue on and on until you have had enough of looking for suitors at that particular time...
Just as you are searching through potential profiles.... people will also be searching through yours. So.... when you have liked someone, and they have also liked you.... then Tinder will notify you of your new match....
Now the question is simply... who will message who first?
O... and FYI.... you can have multiple matches... so go ahead.... have a peek... have a flirt... and get going on some dates... why the hell not? If when you start chatting away... the potential in question appears to be a complete nutter... then simply all you have to do is BLOCK them
Also... lets remember this is an online app. You don't actually know the people. So if you do get to the point of meeting up... be sensible. Tell someone where your going and meet in a public place.
With all that said... go get yourselves Tindered
x o x o
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