Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Letting go of sensible

What's been happening maaaaaate?! Mayhem. That's what...

January saw me sticking to my guns and maintaining a ''Dry January'' (well, pretty much.)

February... therefore was always going to be a month full of drunken catch ups and ultimately just madness. Which it was. That also goes for March, and so far.. for April too!

Thing is, after such an awful start to the year..with some personal things that I had going on, I entered into February basically adamant to put January behind me, and that to do this... all I needed now / wanted to do was to enjoy myself. I was in need of a temporary swap from my responsible, working life for some overdue carefree, random fun instead. So that is exactly what I did.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't just get up and quit everything to become a drinking, partying all hours, no care in the world hippy chick (although that does sound quite appealing to me currently). No, my day -to-day routine was still exactly the same with 11 hour work days (although, I will admit my job commitment was not quite so dedicated after too many nights out in a row but I maintained and struggled my way through, still ensuring that I completed whatever needed to be done). Its not like I completely went off the rails. Its not like that at all. I just let go off sensible for a bit, which I actually think is perfectly healthy to do every so often. And so it began..

A brunch here, a girls night out there... and before long... I had made new friends to go out and socialize with... and so the cycle continued... another brunch, another girls night... and again more friends were made and more parties were had with old and new friends alike. (Hence.. this saw my fun loving February extending into March and still now.. into April).   Ah... I love it though, this really is just another reason why I love this city! Dubai is such a social place...and the majority of us are all away from loved ones and life long friends, resulting in many of us similarly wanting to make new friends in a continual bid to feel settled in our new playing ground. This constant need to socialize mixed with numerous drinking deals and countless bars to choose from makes for a dangerous mix of extended Dubai drinking debauchery!

I really must start to reign my ''sensible'' back in..


.. Just a few snaps there. Thankfully, I don't normally snap away too much on a night out, I have my moments... but usually I am far too busy sipping on wine or dancing on a bar somewhere..weyyyy
So. As you can clearly see,  I have defo turned my 2014 around.. when I think of this year, I will now recall just one big party of new friends, drinking, chatting and ridiculous fun. Amazing. Basically this is how I think my life should be right now at the grand age of 25 years old. An experience... (of course with the added odd responsibility of making my way up that career ladder).
Life is sweet.
x o x o

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